How we overcome some common objections from customers purchasing Friends2Follow advertising from our media site partners.
There are customers out there who you will never be able to convince that advertising with Friends2Follow will benefit them even though it most certainly will. There are also those who simply do not participate with social media in any way shape or form, and these people will be impossible to convince as well. For the rest of the world that you will sell to we have created an Overcoming Objections section that should help you through identifying and working through the most common objections to advertising with Friends2Follow.
Objection #1: “I don’t use my Facebook (or other social media) enough to make it worthwhile.
- Because this unique form of advertising rewards you for using your social media, we find our clients increase their use of social media while participating with Friends2Follow.
- Every time you do use your social media, Friends2Follow gives that social media post exposure to our hyper-local audience that is interested in the social media happenings of your business which are the same people you are interested in reaching with information about your business.
Objection #2: I used to use Facebook, now I use Twitter what if you will not support the next form of social media I choose to participate with?
We currently support most forms of social media, RSS feeds and blogs. The only type we don't support is Pinterest because of problems with its API. But we are continually scanning the horizon for the next great thing to add. If you spot one, just let us know and we'll add it if we can.
Objection #3: We have many types of social media that we use to connect with potential and existing clients, can we run multiple sources of social media through your Friends2Follow content blocks?
The short answer is YES! The longer answer is that we allow up to three streams from any one advertiser before adding an extra charge. But there really is no limit.
Objection #4: Why would I want to advertise my social media through your Friends2Follow content blocks?
- Did you know that you are not reaching all of your Followers when you post Facebook unless you are paying them?
- In 2014, Social@Ogilvy found the average reach of 106 brands' organic Facebook posts dwindled from 12.05% in October to 6.15% in February. And Facebook announced even more restrictions, according to Forbes.
- When you tweet, post, update or otherwise engage with social media you are reaching the same audience over and over, with Friends2Follow you reach our hyper-local audience that is most likely to buy your goods and use your services.
- Our tool makes it as easy as possible for our readers to follow you and join your social media network. Friends2Follow makes it easy to grow your social media audience from within your local area.
Objection #5: Why should I choose to advertise my social media through Friends2Follow instead of promoting my message on Facebook or other advertising within a social media site?
- Facebook and other sites charge you per promoted post or tweet. With Friends2Follow ALL your social media is promoted for one monthly fee to people who may not be on social media or in your network.
Objection #6: The whole point of social media marketing is the freshness of the message and content delivered. I do not want my social media message to get stale.
- Your message is automatically updated within our content blocks every time you update or post any type of social media.
- We don’t suggest over-posting to your social media account, but we certainly suggest you keep a good, consistent, social media conversation going with your followers and Friends2Follow rewards you for regularly posting.
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